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Heike Bröckerhoff works as a dramaturge for choreography and performance in Hamburg and Nantes, France where she regularly collaborates with Colyne Morange and the performance collective Stomach Company (FR). In Hamburg, she often works with Juliana Oliveira, Moritz Frischkorn and Jonas Woltemate, among others, both at Kampnagel, at K3 – Center for Choreography, and at the Gängeviertel. Her current research on self-optimization as a technique of government focuses on the body as an expression of the social and as a political agent. Her search for new utopias pushes her to the border between science and fiction. She writes and publishes on the website –PLATEAU, a discursive platform for performating arts and cultural politics in Hamburg. For the theatrical version of the Great Report, Heike Bröckerhoff worked as dramaturge. (

Moritz Frischkorn works as a choreographer, performer, curator and theorist in the field of contemporary performing arts. His artistic practice is concerned with choreographies of things and their social and political dimensions. He develops research-oriented projects, searching for artistic practices that enable a careful, speculative approach to the environment and are more than an expression of individual intentions. At the same time, a central aspect is the ongoing inventory and critique of his own privileges. In the summer of 2014, he was a danceWEB fellow at the ImPulsTanz festival in Vienna. In March 2021, he completed his dissertation on ‘More-than-human choreographies. Handling things between logistics and entanglement’ at the HafenCity University Hamburg. He has collaborated, a.o., with Martin Nachbar, Manon Santkin, Maria F. Scaroni, Vladimir Miller, Jonas Woltemate, Ellen Blumenstein, geheimagentur, SARMA (Brussels) and –PLATEAU Hamburg. Moritz teaches regularly, including at a.pass in Brussels, at Burg Giebichenstein Arts Academy Halle, at the Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main, and at the University of Hamburg. He publishes academic articles and journalistic reports. Moritz Frischkorn is the initiator and artistic director of the Great Report. (

Paula Hildebrandt is a political scientist, urban researcher, author, and filmmaker who, in her artistic practice, addresses questions of democratic participation and representation Her work operates at the intersection of scholarship, political action, artistic intervention, and cultural production. She studied political science and global political economy in Berlin, Sussex and Cambridge and worked as a project manager for the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit. Confronted with new forms of political action and self-organization – decentralized, fluid, informal, collaborative and self-initiated – she began to academically research an ‘expanded’ concept of politics within the context of a doctorate at the Bauhaus University Weimar. This phase also included activities as a freelance curator, teaching assignments and artistic activities in urban space. Since 2015, she has been coordinating the artistic-scientific research training group ‘Performing Citizenship’ and researching the ‘Welcome City Hamburg’. For the Great Report, Paula Hildebrandt has compiled the dossier ‘The Logistics of Paradise’. (

Robin Hinsch lives and works in Hamburg. He studied photography in Karlsruhe, Hanover and Hamburg. In his photographic work he focuses on social hotspots and self-experienced, subjective and intuitive narratives. He combines photography with film collage and installation techniques. His work has won the International Photography Award, the European Photo Exhibition Award, the Canon Profifoto Förderpreis, the Art Award of the Hamburg Stock Exchange, was shortlisted for the Leica Oskar Barnach Prize, the Lucie Awards and nominated for the Henri Nannen Prize. He photographs for DIE ZEIT, Der Spiegel, National Geographic, Süddeutsche Zeitung, Esquire, SPEX, NEON, INTRO and other renowned magazines. Travels have taken him to Ukraine, Poland, Russia, Iraq, Turkey, Senegal, Syria, Malaysia, Singapore, Morocco, Australia and the USA. For the Great Report, Robin Hinsch has compiled the dossier ‘Wahala’. (

Vladimir Miller studied communication design and illustration at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts in Hildesheim/Germany. He works in Berlin, Brussels and Vienna as a dramaturge, stage designer and installation and video artist. He holds a position as director of the research school at the postgraduate program in artistic research entitled a.pass in Brussels. His teaching and research focus on curated spaces and question art and knowledge production as spatial practice. In addition to his own research, he has collaborated with choreographers Philipp Gehmacher and Meg Stuart. Their performances, video installations and stage designs have been shown at dance and performance festivals throughout Europe and South America. Miller has also worked on a number of scenographic installations and spaces, including in their name (2010) and solo with jack (2012) in collaboration with Philipp Gehmacher, and sketches/notebook (2013) in collaboration with Meg Stuart. In 2015, he was fellow at the Akademie Solitude in Stuttgart. For the Great Report, Vladimir has developed the dossier ‘Hanging Labyrinth’.

Katharina Pelosi studied at the Institute for Applied Theater Studies in Giessen and has since worked as an audio artist in the fields of performance, choreography, installation and art in public spaces, including at Mousonturm Frankfurt, Sophiensäelen Berlin, Kampnagel Hamburg, Schauspiel Frankfurt and Theater und Orchester Heidelberg. She is part of the feminist performance collective Swoosh Lieu, whose work has been shown at Tanzplattform, the Stückemarkt des Theatertreffen, and at Impulse Festival. As a theater musician and sound designer, she regularly collaborates with Hamburg-based costa compagnie and theater maker Simone Dede Ayivi. Pelosi has realized soundwalks, audio pieces and installations, such as a series of audio pieces for the Museum Judengasse in Frankfurt, the site-specific audio installation Bilder aus Morgen - ein akustisches Wanderdenkmal at the Theater und Orchester Heidelberg, and the multi-channel audio installation In the vicinity - an assembly in between history and memory at CCA Tel Aviv. Since 2015, Katharina is a member of the research training group ‘Performing Citizenship’ with her artistic PhD project on sound as a medium of rememberance in postcolonial Hamburg. For the theatrical version of the Great Report, Katharina Pelosi has composed and performed the sound. (More info)

Maria F. Scaroni is a dancer. She interprets choreographic works, makes her own dances and gives dance workshops. Independently trained, she has lived in Berlin since 2004, where she has worked as a freelance dancer with Jess Curtis, Jeremy Wade, Frank Willens, Tino Sehgal, Vania Rovisco, Hannah Hegenscheidt, Wilhelm Groener and others. Since 2011, she collaborates with Meg Stuart (Until Our Hearts Stop, Sketches/Notebook, and Built To Last). Scaroni's choreographic work focusses on processes of collaboration, plays with experiences of duration, and is driven by an attempt to blend performance, choreography, and installation. Maria teaches at HZT Berlin, at the Theatre Academy Helsinki, at Tanzquartier Wien and in independent training programs (P.O.R.C.H. and Smash). She holds a MA in Contemporary Italian Literature, where she worked on the relationship between education and dance. In her own practice, she is involved in many ways with Tantra, Tarot and energetic body concepts and their healing power. For the Great Report, Maria F. Scaroni has compiled the dossier ‘Dance as Oracle’. (

Nour Sokhon is an interdisciplinary artist based in Lebanon. Nour’s main objective is to transport the audience into an immersive and encompassing environment. Nour believes that interactivity is the key to engaging the left and right hemispheres of the brain; for that reason, she continually investigates the potential of a spatiotemporal experience within a creative setting. Her involvement in multiple creative disciplines such as performance, film, installation and sonic composition allows her to accumulate quantitative data and explore the many methods that can conclusively address the subject/project. Her ongoing research has led her to conclude that sound is one of the most powerful mediums which can be used to transport the viewers into a realm of abstractness, due to the fact that it is time-based and it is not restricted by a visual frame. The fluid nature of sound, its intense power in triggering emotions and proven role in memory recollection, such as treating people with Alzheimers has pushed her to use sound as a tool in her creative process. Hence, she seeks to combine sound with different forms and media according to her modes of inspiration, often triggered by her surrounding environment. Nour's work has been presented widely in Lebanon (including Sursock Museum) and abroad (Theater Neumarkt, Zurich, SAVVY Contemporary, Berlin, Kampnagel, Hamburg). For the Great Report, Nour has compiled the dossier ‘Volatile Grounds’. (